

The Food Rescuer; The Influencer; The Parent

Juliana was not expecting much when her friend first jio-ed her to a SG Food Rescue session. However, after witnessing the amount of food waste, Juliana was taken aback and began her journey as a food rescuer. Today, she would join the SG Food Rescue community three times a week and would restock community fridges around Singapore with the vegetables. Having seen how many have benefited from community fridges, Juliana has been working on having a community fridge in Jurong -- despite the many challenges faced in this journey. Although a community fridge has yet to be set up in Jurong, she would also reach out to families with tight finances to share with them some of the vegetables saved. Juliana shares that the SG Food Rescue community don’t just save food -- they also share and exchange other resources such as clothes. Besides joining SG Food Rescue, Juliana also rescues bread in the neighbourhood every Friday. 

Juliana reflects that it is more than saving food -- it is a lifestyle. And this lifestyle comes with many perks -- this shift has helped her family save on their costs of living as well (what a life hack!). As such, Juliana encourages those around her to take small steps to minimise food waste. As many are hesitant to eat food rescued, Juliana shares how she tries to dispel such perceptions by letting people try her dishes before revealing that they were made of food rescued. 

Although she dedicates much time to food rescue, Juliana is also a parent and would support her children’s activities in her own way. For example, together with other parents, they would prepare food for her son’s rugby team after an intense practice. Nevertheless, she takes care of herself too and would join mall Zumba workouts every Tuesday (they are free too!). 

Tips from Juliana

Tips from Juliana