Reflection of a Trainee in a StartUp


It has been 2-months since Ellaine our first BOLD #SGUNITED trainee left us to return back to her passion in Early Childhood Education after a mini detour. Here's an honest interpretation of what she really feels of her Bold Traineeship with us:



What she says:

' I never knew i liked the predictability and routine of a school day until i was taken out of it'

What It really is:

If your life lacks excitement, you may find it here. There's no two similar days. Some days you have the best of work-life balance, other days you'd be churning out facilitation guides and reports for multiple clients within 2 hours. Not to mention-- project manage....and... you get the drift. 😂


What she says:

'I missed the security of being experienced and knowledgeable in what i was doing'

What It really is:

What security? New clients, new partners, new context and new challenges. Adaptability will be your most needed survival kit. Truth is, you'll be exposed to a range of partners and be tasked to create with what you have, because we are dealing with youths/young people/humans. No one thing sticks.


What she says:

'Everything was new and shiny and I had so much fun soaking up all the knowledge and just being in such a different work environment.'

What It really is:

YES! Aside from adaptability, being able to enjoy the process and take it like it is a new adventure is key over here at BOLD. Being in a startup that’s barely 4 years old, there are many things that you will be exposed to that you'd never once been taught.


What she says:

Bold at Work, to me, was kind of that first sip of ice-cold lemon water. Cool, refreshing, and invigorating

What It really is:

Psstt.. it may cause you to have brain freeze after hahaha

We are recruiting for interns, project partners to join this adventure.
DM us if you are keen to explore!

CareerBold At WorkDYL, Bold