Career Resilience Webinars
(for educators, coaches, mentors, team leads)
Having worked with more than 3000 youths and the major institutions of higher learning in career transition conversations, we've discovered that the season of COVID-19 has exacerbated some of the core tensions and accelerated the urgency of pressing questions that young adults face in thinking about what's next for their careers. This opens up a great opportunity to get into the core of what matters.
What Will You Learn
Over the circuit-breaker period, Bold At Work has customised a set of career design tools specifically for the post-covid world and we invite coaches, mentors, educators and team leads alike, to join us in supporting young people under your wing to find their way forward.
In each of these one-hour sessions,
you'll get:
A walkthrough of the 4 activity tools that will guide your practice:
-Future Ready Index Self Assessment Tool
-How to Show Up in Crisis Guide
-How to Get Unstuck with the Coherence Meter
-How to Design for Possibilities
Upcoming Webinars
Part 2: Designing Career Resilience Conversations
(Adaptability, Influence, Risk-Taking)
Part 1: Designing Career Resilience Conversations
(Presence & Future Focus)
Past Webinars Snippets
How can we build transitionary assets that will tide us through the various transitions and stages of life? Here we build upon the existing resources under t...
Over the circuit-breaker period, Bold At Work has customised a set of career design tools specifically for the post-covid world. Here we condensed and combin...