Mdm Saharidah

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The Housewife; The Learner; The Helper

A housewife and a grandmother to 10 grandchildren, Mdm Saharidah particularly loves cooking for her family. She started listing what each grandchildren likes to eat and shared how she would prepare these foods when they visit. We were impressed by the extensive menu she had. Yet, she humbly insisted she isn’t a good chef and that she simply enjoys cooking. She continues to learn new dishes through googling recipes. 

While Google is her good friend when it comes to cooking, she has also attended several courses to upgrade herself. She shyly told us that her public speaking skills have improved immensely through them. 

Her love for learning extends to learning from others -- including those who come from different cultural backgrounds. In fact, she is hoping to find someone to teach her how to make you tiao (Chinese Fried Dough)! She believes in learning from one another and leads in organising cultural exchange initiatives -- including organising a one day fast for non-Muslims to experience aspects of the Muslim culture -- as the chairwoman of Yuhua’s Malay Activity Executive Committee (MAEC). 

While she is a regular face within the community taking on leadership responsibilities today, she recounted that she had not expected herself to be able to contribute to the community previously. She was initially just covering her husband’s volunteering duties wherever he could not make it and was extremely surprised when others invited her to be a regular volunteer.