Soaring Boldly
Written by: Chang Huey Yin
“There’s nothing bold about me,” 19-year-old Wei En said as we walked into Saizeriya. “You tweeted your crush even though he didn’t know you. Very bold!” I joked reassuringly, referencing an earlier conversation of how she met her current boyfriend.
Despite her initial adamance that she does not have bold stories, she was clear what be bold be you meant to her. “Stepping out of my comfort zone and not comparing to others,” she replied without hesitation.
First inspired by the Hong Kong drama serial Triumph in the Skies when she was younger, Wei En’s interest for aviation has grown since. She excitedly shared her knowledge about the industry and how she would research on aviation accidents, “MH370: that’s the one I researched the most on! I will go check where the failure is at. (For example,) what did the pilot say before it happened?”
She definitely stepped out of her comfort zone, enrolling herself in Aerospace Engineering in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, to pursue not just a job in the aviation sector but to challenge herself, knowing fully well that Mathematics and Science were not her strongest forte.
Indeed, this journey was turbulent or as Wei En says, she “never gets anything (her) way”. She recounted how she did not get into her dream secondary school, co-curricular activities, polytechnic courses and job. Even now, as she is in her final semester of polytechnic, she is uncertain if she can enrol in the university course she wants.
Wei En checking the cut-off point for the university course of her choice.
Yet, Wei En is not one who gives up easily. She is the captain of her own life and has always made the most out of whatever she had. Disappointed by her grades in her first semester, Wei En worked extremely hard to improve them – sometimes studying 10 hours continuously. It was challenging and she revealed that she once considered dropping out as her hard work was seemingly pointless and could not ensure her a place in university. Nonetheless, she persisted and managed to pull her grades significantly to score a chance at the university course of her choice. She realised soon that she excels when she feels less pressured and has since learnt to take more breaks.
Wei En’s conviction when it comes to pursuing what she loves and wants go beyond academics. In primary school, Wei En thoroughly enjoyed her co-curricular activity, netball. While her secondary school did not offer the sport, it did not stop the then 13-year-old Wei En from playing for a club outside school, alongside a team consisting mainly of university students. Something that can be intimidating for many.
Wei En and her parents.
There is no doubt that family plays an important role in shaping who she is today. Wei En’s honest approach to life reflects that of her parents. She described her father who works as a driver, as someone who “give (her) his best even when he got nothing much”. While she is not one to show love through hugs or saying “I love you” – much to the dismay of her mother – her love and respect for her parents were apparent. Not surprisingly, one of her hopes is to make her parents proud – which she feels she has yet to do. She shared that her cousins – who she is close with – have made their parents proud and are her role models, propelling her to persevere even when life gets rough.
Wei En and her extended family decked in their family tee. Goals.
When asked a place that represents the importance of family to her, she thoughtfully answered her grandmother’s store.
Wei En in front of her grandmother’s store in Chinatown, where much of her free time after school was spent.
It turns out much of her free time after school while she was growing up was spent there with her cousins. Navigating me through the streets in Chinatown like a veteran pilot, she recalled the adventures and gatherings her family and relatives had in the neighbourhood and at her grandmother’s store.
I insisted for her to bring me to her family’s go-to spot to view the Chinese New Year fireworks.
As I thanked her for the dinner and bade farewell – she had kindly insisted to treat and walk me to the MRT even though her house was much nearer – I was in awe of Wei En’s unwavering and generous spirit and am certain she will soar to greater heights. Perhaps, being bold for Wei En is more than stepping out of her comfort zone, not comparing to others or persevering on despite the challenges, but also in her little actions of how she treats others and makes them feel.