of Farming, Being and A Million Dreams this 2019
The year of 2019 has been an exciting and magnificent one for us. With new partnerships formed, a growing BOLD tribe as well as many other new creations and experiences, we couldn’t have asked for a better year. Before 2020 kicks in, we take you through the entire year in a 60-sec short clip plus hear from the three at BOLD AT WORK what the year has been like for them!
At my old workplace the term “Farmer” has always been used somewhat disparagingly, in contrast to the high-flying Scholar. But I hold the Farmer with sinewy muscles and callused hands in high esteem. 2019 has been a year of learning to farm (literally and metaphorically)- getting to know the lay of the new “land”, being steadfast in sharpening my “tools”, sowing seeds of ideas, watering and pollinating them without knowing if they’ll blossom, celebrating when they bear fruit. Not forgetting innovating new ways and techniques to increase “yields”, prodding fellow labourers to do more be more, but at the same time trusting the Seasons and fallowing when there is a need to.
- Hong Ruoyi
Whereas my past (work) life was characterized by a lot of doing and over-doing, this year stood out as one of coming into being. A new team formation came into being; as we moved around each other, we started finding the places that the pieces of the puzzles would feel like a fit. Acceptance and complementarity came into play. Curiosity was a natural and powerful force that propelled us into the creation of many moments of learning. We saw people and opportunities show up, almost as if magically, drawn simply by the essence of what they could see and feel of us. We are thankful to be able to refresh our hearts and minds with new discoveries and old friends, because we can never do without the wonder of just what’s possible beyond the horizon right ahead of us.- Yong Yoek Ling
2019 has been a year of showing up and making it count. And making it count I did by simply channeling the million dreams I’ve always had of the world that’s waiting up for me. A counsellor, an editor, a producer, a host, a dancer, a creator, an artist, a designer, a therapist, a yoga instructor, a tea connoisseur… I am all those and more, and who would have thought that we can really live in a world that we design? However big, however small, we did the same with others. We gathered dreams and dreamers to start creating the vision in their head for the world we’re going make.
- Clarice Song